12. Let's Have a Kiki with Queer as Fact!
/Welcome to our very first extra special collaboration! Joining Leigh and Gretchen this episode are our friends over at Queer as Fact, a queer history podcast from Australia. Our topic of choice? Queer slang! Join us as we discuss lavender linguistics, the history of queer slang in Australian penal colonies, and our favorite slang words, both American and Australian! So brush off your oysters, pitch your tents for camp, sharpen up your Gillette blades, and let’s have a kiki with Queer as Fact!
Queer as Fact Links
Cover from the infamous "Purple Pamphlet" attempting to defame the gay community in Florida. It backfired. (Images of the Purple Pamphlet courtesy of Queerty.)
Page one of the full glossary of LGBT terms.
One of the infamous 'pornographic' images that led to the downfall of the purple pamphlet.
If you want to learn more about lavender linguistics and queer slang, check out our full list of sources and further reading below!
Online Articles:
A Personal HIstory of the T Word (and some more general reflections on language and activism) by Julia Serano
Recently Unearthed 1964 Antigay Pamphlet is the Most Homoerotic Thing Ever
Books and Print Articles:
A Dic(k)tionary of Gay Slang by H. Max
Green’s Dictorionary of Slang by Jonathon Green
The Alyson Almanac by Alyson Publications